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Come Shine With Me
& Create A New Way of Being Within You

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Safe to Shine Healing & Homecoming Journeys

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Take a journey back home to your heart with me!


A Safe to Shine homecoming journey is a bespoke coaching and healing process that develops & nurtures a self-loving inner world to transform your outer world into the life that you've dreamed of. I utilize a holistic mental wellness framework and Lightweb® coaching along with a variety of healing modalities that attend to your mind, body & soul to create shifts in your inner-self states. I serve your needs through my unique skillset with a background in psychotherapy and as a Master-Instructor level Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Practitioner,  Lightbringer Coach & Healer, Certified Yoga Instructor and Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. Through the wisdom & artistry of these studies, as well as my own personal healing journey, I have cultivated a capacity to hold space for your sacred process while gently guiding you back to your heart-centered, true self in a non-judgmental and safe space. I utilize a relational, integrative and intuitive approach that attends to you energetically as a whole person: your mind, body and soul. I work with the 4 layers of the human energy field: physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. 


Safe to Shine journeys support, guide & mentor your well-being. Safe to shine healing is NOT therapy. I want this to be crystal clear. In these sessions I work as a Lightbringer coach & energy healer. You will not receive a diagnosis from me. However, as a licensed therapist, I am able to understand any diagnoses you have been given by your therapist & choose to share if you feel these may be helpful to us in understanding how you perceive your life & your experiences. In this capacity I am a huge asset to you!


 Additionally, I also want to be clear that it is my belief that you are not your diagnosis. Diagnoses provide a framework for conceptualizing treatment from a western medical perspective that I find is often pathologizing and predominately focuses on symptom management. I understand that it can feel reassuring to name your experience with a diagnosis. And it certainly helps to have common language for a snap-shot of ongoing thinking patterns or behaviors that one is experiencing. While I believe diagnoses can be helpful in this capacity, I believe they don't capture the spiritual & energetic essence of mental health. I have found that oftentimes when practitioners rely on diagnoses to focus on managing symptoms, they lose curiosity for the root cause of mental dis-ease and "treatment" becomes a vehicle for getting by in life and simply surviving week to week. This creates dependence on the practitioner and disempowers the individual. I have a different mindset and operate differently in my therapeutic practice: I support people to overcome unhelpful mental and behavioral patterns so they can thrive in life. I bring this perspective to my energy healing & Lightbringer coaching as well. This is the lens I will view any diagnoses that you share with me.


We all have mental health and therefore the capacity for mental wellness. It is my belief that life events have contributed to & reinforced habitual adaptations that have created your way of navigating yourself in this world. When we are young (chronologically or emotionally) our primary form of self-protection is to close our hearts off, which means that we also close our hearts to ourselves. My gift in working with you is to support you in opening your heart back up to be a loving friend & resource to yourself. We will explore new empowered ways for you to conceptualize yourself & your life and to respond to your world. 


I emphasize a mental wellness mindset over mental illness mindset- what we focus on expands in our lives. I choose to focus on wellness. I believe healing happens with presence & intention and occurs at the mental, emotional, physical & spiritual levels of self. I am well equipped to support you in each of these areas.


I also believe that we have a true self at the core of our being that is often protected by many different parts who have learned to manage different situations & areas of our lives for us. Sometimes these parts do it in healthy ways and sometimes in not so healthy ways. When we recognize them and appreciate their willingness to help us, we can work with them to learn healthy ways to support us in bettering our lives and shining our light in the way our soul intends for us. 


Your desire to change and heal is necessary as I am only able to guide you towards that which you are ready for. I will share tools and surround you with my supportive empathic energy, but it is you who must be willing to change & (outside of the session) do the work of sustaining change through mindset shifts and practices that we will co-create.  


During the session we will begin with a brief grounding meditation to open up the safe space for energetic healing to take place. We will review previous session practices and we will talk to identify current challenges and areas you wish to focus on healing and shifting. We will explore & shift/clear/alchemize thoughts and emotions that arise through talking as well as a variety of healing modalities including but not limited to: IET, mindfulness, mindset, relaxation and self-soothing, LightWeb® tools & self-empowering strategies unique to you for mind/body/soul. Sessions will end with a closing of the energetic space to allow for self-integration from the session. This is the general framework I utilize in sessions, however we may find something else suits you better and of course will use that!


Let's make sure our connection is aligned & feels right before committing to your sacred inner healing journey. Feeling seen & safe is crucial to this process. I'll answer your questions and share how I can best serve you, with no expectation to buy. 


If you would like to book any Safe to Shine homecoming journey, please book a free connection call here to make sure we are aligned.


I offer the following homecoming journeys:


Three Month Renewal- 3 sessions per month for 3 months. Initial 90-minute session to explore the issue, identify goals, declare permissions and concludes with an IET empowerment imprint that â€‹will be recorded for your use between sessions, 8 sessions (60-90 minutes each) and a Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Meditation (audio). This format allows one week a month without meeting to integrate session shifts. A 3 month journey is best for you if you are interested in making & sustaining a change in one area of your life. You will deepen your understanding of yourself and remember your lovely true self, the self that is hidden & dimmed by layers of conditioning or trauma, and renew your connection with her. *You have the option to add a VIP experience that incudes voxer access T,Th,F during business hours, excluding holiday/blackout dates.


Six Month Recharge- 3 sessions per month for 6 months. Initial 90-minute session to explore the issue, identify goals, declare permissions and concludes with an IET empowerment imprint that â€‹will be recorded for your use between sessions, 17 sessions 60-90 minutes each) and a Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Meditation (audio). This format allows one week a month without meeting to integrate session shifts. A 6 month journey is best for you if you are interested in making and sustaining changes in yourself in multiple areas of your life. You will deepen your understanding of yourself, how your life has beautifully led you to this point in time & create a vision of a new source-aligned path. You will reconnect with your true self, the self that is hidden & dimmed by layers of conditioning or trauma, and learn how to connect with this self. *You have the option to add a VIP experience that incudes voxer access T,Th,F during business hours, excluding holiday/blackout dates.


One Year Reawakening - 3 sessions per month for 12 months.  Initial 90-minute session to explore the issue, identify goals, declare permissions and concludes with an IET empowerment imprint that â€‹will be recorded for your use between sessions, 35 sessions (60-90 minutes each) and 12 Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra Meditations (one audio per month). This format allows one week a month without meeting to integrate session shifts. Plus you will receive a monthly meditation (12 total) and a monthly 60-minute full IET session (12 total). A 12 month journey is best for you if you are interested in transforming your life and embodying changes we co-create within yourself. You will deepen your understanding of yourself, how your life has beautifully led you to this point in time, create a vision of a new source-aligned path and walk this path. You will reconnect with your authentic self, the self that is hidden & dimmed by layers of conditioning or trauma, and learn how to embody this vital connection.  *You have the option to add a VIP experience that incudes voxer access T,Th,F during business hours, excluding holiday/blackout dates. **For a limited time, as part of your 12 month journey with me, I am offering you access to all paid group courses or offers I release (excluding 1:1 healing journeys and VIP upgrades)- at no additional charge- during your homecoming year* *​



Please book a free 30 minute connection call here if you are interested in a homecoming journey with me. This is the ONLY service that offers a connection call. And it is REQUIRED to work with me 1:1. 


"Consistency is what transforms average into excellence."

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Lightweb® Coaching & Healing

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Lightweb® Coaching and Healing utilizes the soul-based ascension technology of the LightWeb®. It is based on the premise that all energy is either source aligned (love) or void aligned (fear). This practice delves into the source and void connections (beliefs, stories) within us to shift our energetic vibration into a higher frequency to expand & elevate our consciousness, so that we experience greater peace, ease and miracles in the life we are living.  


The Lightweb® coaching/healing sessions allow us to focus on a discreet topic, issue or emotion of your choosing. Together we will dive into the heart of how it is disempowering you & clear/shift/alchemize the energy to realign your relationship to your empowered self.  


In this interactive 90 minute session we will bring to light the root of the energy pattern keeping you stuck in a disempowered state utilizing the power of Lightweb® technology and Lightweb® spiritual tools. Once the energy pattern has been identified & cleared, the energy vibration in this area will shift into alignment with your empowered self. We are able to work with your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies in this life and past lives. The call begins with a discussion of the issue. I will then track the energy of this issue with you and determine if Lightweb® coaching or healing is better suited for its clearing. At the time of purchase you will be directed to complete a brief intake form describing the issue. This helps you get clear on how this issue is impacting your life and it also opens up the portal for healing to begin with the breaking apart & disruption  of the stuck energy pattern.


You can purchase a Lightweb® coaching/healing session here​: 


(A connection call is not required prior to booking Lightbringer sessions)


It is important to note that all healing happens in layers. We will heal the layer that is ready for healing now. In time, additional layer(s) may arise for healing as new ways of thinking & meaning making are accessed by your evolving & expanding consciousness. This is the beauty of spiritual healing. It is a never ending process of expanding awareness & consciousness. 


I am currently offering Lightweb® coaching/healing sessions as a standalone session. If, after your session, we feel that another session would benefit you, we will make arrangements for that. 

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Heart Harmonizers Free Group

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This is a community for sharing soul truths spiritedly, empowering ourselves exuberantly, dreaming deliberately, speaking sincerely and shining steadfastly. Come & connect with like-hearted souls. Be inspired and be inspiring. Be authentically you. Shift from shame to SHINE. Please join us in this free Facebook group.
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Heart Hamonizers
Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)
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1:1 60 minute remote Integrated Energy Therapy Session

The gentle yet powerful healing angels of the human energy field will heal/clear/shift energy blockages in 9 cellular memory areas of your body and then imprint new source aligned energy into these integration points for a rebalance of your energy field. No work, other than your desire to heal, is required on your part!


Integrated Energy Therapy uses a focused healing energy, the violet angelic energy ray, to clear energy blocks that have accumulated in the body and are now hindering the natural flow of energy (physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually). Through the releasing of these blocks we will begin to feel more self-empowered, spiritually connected and able to move through life easily. 


As a Master-Instructor IET practitioner I am able to clear energy blocks resulting from physical trauma, emotional trauma, limiting beliefs and past-life trauma as well as align & work with the 12 strand Spiritual DNA.  


The energy clearing & balancing processes are self-regulating and are ultimately controlled by your energy; I am the channel for the integrated energy from the angels who are working with you. Energy work always meets you where you are; I cannot support you in clearing something you are not ready to clear, so rest assured that this will be a safe & favorable experience.


What is IET exactly? IET is considered the next generation energy therapy system that gets the "issues out of your tissues" for good! It was developed by Stevan Thayer, founder of The Center of Being in Woodstock, NY and White Light Reiki Master.  The IET approach is similar to Eastern medical approaches, such as reiki, in that it works with the electromagnetic energy field of the body. The energy within this field has been referred to as Ki, Chi, Prana, Qi, Innate Intelligence, Life Force. This energy flows through meridians (the pathways that bring energy to nourish and replenish each organ) and channels (the pathways that balance the energy between the meridians). IET works with the integration channel and opens the flow of vital life force within the human body & the human energy field, by integrating suppressed feelings from cellular memory and clearing their associated energy blockages. During an IET session, energy is channeled in specific areas on the body that have been identified as areas of cellular memory. 


As we journey through life, the flow of energy can become restricted or limited. You can think of the energy pathways being like riverbeds that become choked by a beaver dam. The dam does not stop the flow, but rather, it limits the flow and creates an area of stagnation. These restrictions are referred to as energy blockages. Some causes of energy blockages are: physical trauma, surgery, disease, exhaustion, emotional crisis. suppressed feelings, stress, self-limiting thoughts, emotional trauma and karma. Energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in lack of spontaneity & creativity, being "stuck" in life, energy depletion and even disease.


What does an IET session feel like? Most people experience a sense of deep relaxation during the session. Some people may see lights or colors or feel a sensation of energy movement or a sensation of lightness or heaviness. Some people fall asleep ("healing without feeling")or go into a delta state. It is common to feel rested, lighter and more joy-filled after a session. 


What do I "DO" during an IET session? There isn't anything for you to "do". You will lay down in a comfortable and quiet spot where you will not be interrupted. I recommend that you cover yourself with a blanket as it is normal for body temperatures to drop during energy work and periods of stillness. After we have a brief chat, we will turn our cameras off. I will play some relaxing music while I treat the 9 cellular memory areas through channeled integrated energy. Some people will talk during their session, others prefer to be quiet. Afterwards we will turn our cameras back on and check in. 


How does IET work? Energy follows intention. During a remote session, we begin with an intention setting. IET works through the violet angelic energy ray being directed to specific areas of the body where we hold emotions. As emotions are cleared and released, you will begin to experience a greater sense of balance in your life and in your relationships. 


Please note, a connection call is NOT necessary prior to this healing session.


You can purchase an IET session here:

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Please note the following applies to all I AM Safe to Shine Healing Energy Sessions & Practices:
All information disclosed in session is confidential and any session documentation will also be kept confidential
All sessions will be conducted over zoom (unless otherwise noted & agreed upon)
All sessions must be scheduled at the time of payment. Note, if you purchase a package you will only be able to book the first session; you will receive a link via email to book your remaining sessions 
Sessions may be re-scheduled if 48 hour+ notice is given; sessions without 48 hour+ notice will be forfeited

Thank you for trusting me to co-create safety in your mind & in your body with you! I am honored to be part of this chapter of your healing journey.
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Healing starts where you ARE

of what is

with what is

for what is

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Be the LOVE you wish to see in the world

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©2021 by Sarah Marcotte LICSW 

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